Mark-8 Restoration Documentation Other Mark-8's
Mark-8 Minicomputer Apple-1 MOS Kim-1 V C F Imsai 8080 Kenbak-1 TV Typewriter LSI ADM-3A ASR-33 The Digital Group
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Other Mark-8 Minicomputers
There are very few original Mark-8 computers left in the world today.
In a recent PC
World article, Erik Klein estimated the number of Mark-8 computers at
"no more than a hundred". I suppose there are probably a few
Mark-8 board sets in attics around the world, and a few more that may have
once worked that are now collecting dust in garage lofts or basements
somewhere unknown and unfound. For the
sake of this page, I am just going to count the ones I know of for
certain. Here is a
list of those known to me, and the condition, as known. Do you have an original
Mark-8? Did I miss yours? (I have a terrible memory--got it from my kids) Send me an email, please, and I will add you to the
list. (Don't forget to send pics if you can!)
Jon Titus' Mark-8 with IBM boat anchor at
Titus left his at the Smithsonian. According
to my information, the power supply was external and not included with the
donation -- place this one in non-working status.
Gary Simpson has one, not working. He plans
to restore one day.
Bob Anders has one, not working.
Jack Rubin has a Mark-8, boards only, if I recall. Not working.
Steve Meirowsky just contacted me with news that he has one
purchased from an ad in the newspaper in the early nineties. Not
John Lewczyk has (had?) a working Mark 8
Minicomputer! Once had a web page, but the link is now dead. :(
As I am no longer able to find John, I am adding
some interesting things here that he once had on his site. All of this was
pulled from the Web Archive,
If anyone involved objects, I will pull it down.
Lewczyk pic04.jpg -
Picture of John with his Mark-8, date unknown.
Lewczyk Working Mark-8.txt
- Johns story of getting it working & etc.
- Jon's story, & questions by Doug Salot.
John Lewczyk Mark-8
John Lewczyk Mark-8
Craig Miller has a second-hand Mark-8, purchased from
the original builder in 1976. Last powered up in 1998--Status unknown now,
but possibly working. Craig replaced a failed memory card with one
of his own design.
Craig has many more pictures and his story at:
Craig Miller Mark-8
Home-made memory card in rear
Bedore has a working one -- though, I never would have had the courage
to power
it up in this condition!! Check out the steel wool in the background! Yikes! His web site includes video of
the Mark-8 in operation--running SCELBAL.
Cliff also has a digital group video card, and 4k memory card! Excellent. |
Cliff Bedore Mark-8
Cliff Bedore Mark-8
Robert Chaney has one at his Tech Museum (no web site
yet), Robert bought his on ebay in October of 2007 (Link below has ebay
details). Last info on this one was that it was not working. Robert
also purchased a restored digital group computer for his museum from me
back in 2004. Way-to-go Robert!
(Since I don't have photos of Gary or Bob's Mark-8, there is a chance
that this one belonged to one of them originally. :) |
Robert Chaney Mark-8 |
Martin has one, not working. |
Andrew Martin Mark-8
Martin Mark-8
Mark Whatley has this one, not working. |
Mark Whatley Mark-8
Erik Klein hit the mother load a while back. He picked up an unfinished
Mark-8 with very complete documentation, and a second set of Mark-8 clone circuit boards
made by Mini Micro Mart. Non-working status, but Erik is trying!
Many, many more pics at his web site:
Erik Klein Mark-8
Klein Mark-8
Stall has a non-working one. Tom and I exhibited near each other at
VCF 6.0, I could be wrong, but I seem to remember
him saying he is the original owner, but never finished the computer. Hmmm,
maybe that box was empty...? :) |
Tom Stall Mark-8
Mimms - Andy Berg bought and then later resold this Mark-8 on ebay to
Lonnie (Link below has ebay details). This Mark-8 is quite unique as it
was modified according to the Digital Group's "Packet #1". Last
known as not-working. I have included photos of all the boards
showing the modifications from the packet--COOL.
I am only aware of three Mark-8 computers
that have shown up on ebay--legitimately.
There was a scam artist that used the
Mimms Mark-8 pictures to try a fraud auction. The wise and powerful ebay
morons refused to listen to my warnings; it was by shear luck I was able
to contact the already suspicious high bidder (ebay blocked me from
sending mail to them.) Partly due to this experience and others, I don't
spend a lot of time on ebay anymore. If you see a Mark-8 auction, I'd
appreciate a contact. Thanks, and be careful out there!
Several years ago, Jack Rubin put a few Mark-8
boards up on ebay--an incomplete system, but as I remember, they did not
meet his reserve and did not sell. Here are the sales I have seen:
Mine - April,
1999. Sorry, I didn't think to make copies of the listing.
mark8_2006-04-26.pdf - This one has been sold on ebay twice -- the first time in 2002
(sorry, no data for the first sale).
- Strange price coincidence...?
Somebody should have seen that coming. :)